Teige and Tahg Take on Thrilling Traumatic Thoracic Treatments Day 12

 May 24th, 2021

Second to last day of senior project has come to an end, how sad. I have really enjoyed this time to really dive into something I care deeply about. Today was a short day for Teige and I because I had to rehearse for senior dinner. Therefore, we only spent two hours today learning about how to suture. We ordered a suture kit at the beginning of senior project and it just recently came! I am sure it will still get used much more by us. We watched a video and then just practiced suturing. We even practiced on a banana. It was very funny, but also a super cool experience. I am sure that suturing an actually human being is much different and I am excited to see what that is like, except I am not excited for anyone to injure themselves so that I have to suture, I am not a monster. Tomorrow, we are back at Ragged Mountain Physical Therapy working with our favorite mentor, Diane! We have finally reached 55 hours, and we are even a little bit over!


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